Nevada collects over $6 million in fiscal year 2024 legal actions

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Nevada collects over $6 million in fiscal year 2024 legal actions


Jason M. Frierson U.S. Attorney | U.S. Attorney for the District of Nevada

Acting U.S. Attorney Sue Fahami announced that the District of Nevada collected $6,485,417.91 in criminal and civil actions during Fiscal Year 2024. Of this total, $3,556,959.50 was from criminal actions and $2,928,458.41 from civil actions.

The District of Nevada collaborated with other U.S. Attorney’s Offices and Department of Justice components to collect an additional $228,340.11 in jointly pursued cases. This included $97,396.11 from criminal actions and $130,944 from civil actions.

In June 2024, a settlement with El Aero Services, LLC resulted in the recovery of $2.1 million related to the Sheep Creek Fire incident in 2018. The fire started on August 18 after a helicopter crash north of Battle Mountain, Nevada. An investigation by the Bureau of Land Management determined El Aero Services was responsible for the fire's extensive suppression efforts.

“Thanks to the diligent efforts of Assistant U.S. Attorneys and professional staff in the District of Nevada’s Financial Litigation Unit and the Asset Recovery Unit, we have ensured the court-ordered restitutions and fines are fully recovered for victims of crime and taxpayers,” said Acting U.S. Attorney Fahami.

U.S. Attorneys’ Offices enforce and collect civil and criminal debts owed to the United States as well as criminal debts owed to federal crime victims. Restitution is paid directly to victims while fines contribute to the Crime Victims Fund supporting compensation programs.

The District also collected $5,438,595 through asset forfeiture actions in FY 2024 which were deposited into the Department of Justice Assets Forfeiture Fund for victim restitution and law enforcement purposes.