National Farmers Union, along with ranch group R-CALF USA and four fed cattle producers, have taken a significant step in their antitrust lawsuit against JBS, Tyson, Cargill, and National Beef. The groups filed a motion with the Federal District Court for the District of Minnesota seeking preliminary approval of an $83.5 million settlement with JBS.
The plaintiffs are represented by Scott+Scott Attorneys at Law LLP, Cafferty Clobes Meriwether & Sprengel LLP, and Robins Kaplan LLP. They agreed to the proposed settlement that includes both monetary compensation and non-monetary considerations such as providing certain documents and assistance in any future trials against Tyson, Cargill, and National Beef. Importantly, the settlement does not imply an admission of liability by JBS, which maintains its stance of denying any wrongdoing.
Should the court grant preliminary approval, notices will be sent to members of the settlement classes detailing how they can claim their share of the settlement. The classes include individuals or entities in the U.S. who sold fed cattle for slaughter to Tyson, JBS, Cargill or National Beef between June 1, 2015 and February 29, 2020 under specific conditions.
Further information about who is covered by this settlement will soon be available on