Georgia Congressman on trucking insurance bill: ‘What we actually need is true tort reform’

Georgia Congressman on trucking insurance bill: ‘What we actually need is true tort reform’

Congressman Mike Collins (R-GA) has voiced his opposition to HR 6884, a bill that proposes to increase the minimum liability insurance for trucking companies from $750,000 to $5 million. Collins argues that this legislation would spur more lawsuits and cause "trucking rates [to go] through the roof," with the resultant costs ultimately being borne by consumers. The Congressman expressed these views during an April 30 episode of the Land Line podcast.

Auto insurance rates show notable increase of 22% since last year

Auto insurance rates show notable increase of 22% since last year

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released their Consumer Price Index (CPI) summary for March 2024 with a 22% increase in motor insurance rates nationwide. Motor insurance rates rose an average of 2.6% nationally in March.