The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.
“POWDER RIVER BASIN COAL INITIATIVE” mentioning the U.S. Dept. of Energy was published in the Senate section on pages S10925 on Sept. 15, 1999.
The publication is reproduced in full below:
Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, yesterday my colleagues, Senator Enzi and Senator Gorton, discussed the importance of a proposed new clean coal initiative that offers the opportunity to create a new type of cleaner-
burning coal that will help to meet our nation's energy needs and the requirements of the Clean Air Act. I want to lend my strong support to this initiative, and express my hope that the Department of Energy and Congress can work together to find a way to fund this important project.
Under this initiative, the Black Hills Corporation of Rapid City, South Dakota, would work with the Department of Energy to test a new method of processing sub-bituminous coal to remove its moisture content and increase its heat-value. This new technology is much less capital intensive than any other coal enhancement technology known to exist today and has the real potential of becoming the first such process to be commercially feasible. It is my understanding that the upgraded coal which would be produced by this new process would be environmentally superior to current sub-bituminous coal and less expensive to ship, allowing coal users across the country to benefit from it.
There are extensive reserves of sub-bituminous coal in the Powder River basin, and particularly on the reservation of the Crow Indian Tribe. By expanding the market for coal from this area, we can help to promote economic development across the west. At the same time, we can provide coal users throughout the United States with cleaner-burning coal, and help to improve our air quality.
It is my hope that we can move forward with this project as quickly as possible. I urge my colleagues to give it their strong support.