12 press releases published in August by Federal Reserve System

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12 press releases published in August by Federal Reserve System


There were 12 press releases published by the Federal Reserve System in August.

The most recent press release, "Federal and state financial regulatory agencies issue interagency statement on supervisory practices regarding financial institutions affected by California Wildfires," was submitted on Aug. 31.

The Federal Reserve System published 13 releases the month before, marking a 7.7 percent decrease for the current month.

The Federal Reserve is the US's central bank, expanding many times during great financial uncertainty and panic. It has faced numerous criticisms since its creation in 1913, such as making the Great Depression worse and for lacking transparency and audits.

There are 12 Reserve Banks operating within its own area of the US. Each Reserve Bank gathers data and other information about the businesses and the needs of local communities in its region.

Data collected on Sept. 10 from the Federal Reserve System.

Press releases by the Federal Reserve System in August
TitlePublication Date
Federal and state financial regulatory agencies issue interagency statement on supervisory practices regarding financial institutions affected by California Wildfires08/31/2021
Federal and state financial regulatory agencies issue interagency statement on supervisory practices regarding financial institutions affected by Hurricane Ida08/30/2021
Agencies issue guide to help community banks evaluate fintech relationships08/27/2021
Federal Reserve Board announces termination of enforcement action with AllNations Bank08/24/2021
Minutes of the Board's discount rate meetings on July 19 and July 28, 202108/24/2021
Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee, July 27-28, 202108/18/2021
Federal Reserve Board announces approval of application by SmartFinancial, Inc.08/17/2021
Federal Reserve Board issues enforcement actions with South Shore Bank and Dime Community Bank08/12/2021
Federal Reserve Board announces termination of enforcement action with JPMorgan Chase & Co.08/05/2021
Federal Reserve Board announces the individual capital requirements for all large banks, effective on October 108/05/2021
Federal Reserve Board extends comment period on proposed rule to govern funds transfers over the Federal Reserve Banks' FedNow Service08/03/2021
Federal Reserve Board issues enforcement actions with Commercial Bank and a former employee of Regions Bank08/03/2021


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