Burns pornography icac arrest

Reno man indicted for child sex crimes faces 50 years in prison

James Patrick Burns, 53 was indicted for allegedly threatening two children on social media in an effort to send him child pornography images and video. | Washoe Sheriff's Office

A Reno man was indicted for alleged child sexual exploitation and child pornography after being investigated by multiple agencies, according to a statement this week by the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security. 

According to the release, James Patrick Burns, 53, was indicted for allegedly threatening two children on social media in an effort to send him child pornography images and video. Burns has been charged with two counts of sexual exploitation of children; one count of advertising child pornography; and a count of possession of child pornography. 

“In addition, he allegedly advertised, possessed, distributed and received sexually explicit images of children,” the statement reads. “Burns is registered as a sex offender related to a previous conviction.”

Burns appeared in court on Nov. 3 before U.S. Magistrate Judge William J. Cobb and was then detained pending a trial.

The investigation was led by the Northern Nevada Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking Force. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) was actively involved. Also involved in the investigation was the FBI, Washoe County Sheriff’s Office, Sparks Police Department, Nevada Attorney General’s Office and the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office.

“HSI takes a victim-centered approach to child exploitation investigations by working to identify, rescue and stabilize victims,” the statement reads.

A jury trial will begin on Jan. 3, and if he is convicted he faces a maximum penalty of 50 years in prison for each count of child exploitation.

The case is being prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Nevada.

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