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U.S. Department of Energy publishes 19 press releases or notices in October

There were 19 press releases or notices published by the U.S. Department of Energy in October.

The most recent release, "DOE Announces $209 Million for Electric Vehicles Battery Research," was submitted on Oct. 27.

The U.S. Department of Energy published 21 the month before, marking a nine percent decrease for the current month.

The Department oversees energy policies and is involved in how the US handles nuclear programs. Downsizing the Federal Government, a project aimed at lowering taxes and boosting federal efficiency, said the Department's misguided energy regulations have caused large losses to consumers for decades.

The Solar Futures Study from the Department of Energy said solar energy has the potential to power up to 40% of the nation’s electricity within 15 years — a 10-fold increase over current solar output.

Press releases or notices by the U.S. Department of Energy in October
TitlePublication Date
DOE Announces $209 Million for Electric Vehicles Battery Research10/27/2021
DOE Announces $14.5 Million Supporting Direct Air Capture and Storage Coupled to Low Carbon Energy Sources10/26/2021
Energy Secretary Jennifer M. Granholm Congratulates 2021 U.S. Clean Energy Education & Empowerment Award Winners10/25/2021
DOE Awards Nearly $40 Million for Grid Decarbonizing Solar Technologies10/19/2021
ICYMI: Secretary Granholm Visited North Dakota and Minnesota to Tour Clean Energy Infrastructure10/18/2021
DOE Announces $105 Million for Small Businesses to Invest in Clean Energy Research and Development10/18/2021
DOE Awards $20 Million to Help States Deploy Carbon Capture and Storage10/15/2021
DOE's Better Plants Industry Partners Save $9 Billion in Energy Costs10/14/2021
DOE Announces $13.5 Million for Sustainable Development of Offshore Wind10/13/2021
DOE Invests $61 Million for Smart Buildings that Accelerate Renewable Energy Adoption and Grid Resilience10/13/2021
ICYMI: Secretary Granholm Visited Georgia to Highlight Clean Energy Jobs and Manufacturing10/12/2021
DOE Sets 2025 Community Solar Target to Power 5 Million Homes10/08/2021
DOE Announces $20 Million to Produce Clean Hydrogen From Nuclear Power10/07/2021
DOE Announces Agency Climate Adaptation and Resilience Plan10/07/2021
ICYMI: Secretary Granholm, Dolores Huerta Co-Hosted IG Live with Latinx Youth Climate Leaders10/07/2021
DOE Invests $45 Million to Decarbonize the Natural Gas Power and Industrial Sectors Using Carbon Capture and Storage10/06/2021
DOE Announces Clean Energy Cybersecurity Accelerator Program to Modernize the Grid10/06/2021
Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm Announces Newly Appointed Members of the Secretary of Energy Advisory Board10/04/2021
DOE Announces up to $400 Million for Basic Research to Advance the Frontiers of Science10/01/2021

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