Bonnie Jenkins |

Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security attends conferences in Europe


Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security Bonnie Jenkins attended events in Europe Dec. 1-8 to discuss nonproliferation and disarmament issues ahead of the upcoming Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference.

The U.S. Department of State announced the trip in a press release on Nov. 30.

“Under Secretary Jenkins will attend the P5 Principals Conference Meeting in Paris, France, on Dec. 1-3," the State Department said in the release. 

Jenkins also traveled to Brussels, Belgium, from Dec. 5-7. There she participated in a virtual conference called the 2021 EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Conference, the release said. She held consultations with allies in NATO on a variety of issues that include current and emerging threats to alliance security.

According to, the conference hosted a variety of speakers from all over the world. The first session included speakers discussing “trust and credibility in arms control, non-proliferation and disarmament.”  Another plenary session involved “cyber threats and vulnerabilities: How to counter the proliferation of malicious cyber tools.” There was also a session called “The political side of arms trade control: from confidence building measures to sanctions and embargoes." 

The fourth session was “Implications of new technologies for arms control: Harnessing benefits and managing challenges,” said. The plenary session was “Promoting diversity in non-proliferation and disarmament process,” and the final session was “Implementing the EU’s non-proliferation and disarmament agenda.”


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