The contamination was initially detected in 1986. | Adobe Stock

EPA seeks public comment on plan to clean contaminated aquifer in Ohio


A 30-day public comment period on the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) plan to clean up the Milford Contaminated Aquifer Site in Ohio began Dec. 8.

The site, added to the Superfund National Priorities List in 2011, has groundwater contaminated with volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, an EPA press release said. The city of Milford is currently using an air stripper to keep the VOCs from impacting its water supply. 

“The agency’s proposed plan includes treating on-site groundwater by injecting one or more substances to break down the contamination, verifying homes and buildings in the area are connected to the municipal water supply, and conducting additional sampling for the design phase of the cleanup,” the release said.

The contamination was initially detected in public wells near Main Street and Lila in Milford in 1986, WVXU, Cincinnati’s NPR affiliate, said in a Dec. 8 report.

The substances used for injection in the water could consist of a liquid with a sulfer compound known as persulfate, WVXU reported.

Aside from the EPA’s webpage for the proposal, the agency’s plans can be accessed at the New Clermont County Public Library, Milford Miami Township Branch on 5920 Buckwheat Rd. in Milford.

Comments can be submitted by e-mail, phone, physical mail or on the EPA website, the release said. The comment period ends Jan. 7. More information can be found at


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