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Jamshid Muhtorov was convicted in 2018 of providing aid to the Islamic Jihad Union. | Photo courtesy of ICE

ICE removes U.S. citizen convicted of supporting foreign terrorist organization


U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) officers recently removed a man from the country following a stint in federal prison for providing support to a foreign terrorist organization.

Jamshid Muhtorov, a U.S. citizen and Uzbekistan national, was sent back to his native country and handed over to local authorities, a Jan. 10 ICE press release said.

“ICE is committed to removing individuals who threaten our country’s national security,” ERO Philadelphia Acting Field Office Director Brian McShane said in the release. “This case is an example of the work we do to protect the homeland from those who wish to do harm to our country.”

Muhtorov was convicted in 2018 of providing material support to the Islamic Jihad Union (IJU), a terrorist organization active in Central Asia and responsible for numerous attacks and suicide bombings in Uzbekistan, a description of the group by the United Nations Security Council said.

“The memorandum and opinion issued by the sentencing judge described how Muhtorov desired to support the IJU, swearing an allegiance to the organization and telling his eight-year-old daughter to ‘pray for your Daddy to become a martyr,’” the release said.

At sentencing, Muhtorov was given 132 months in prison followed by 15 years of supervised release and transfer “to ICE custody pursuant to an immigration detainer for removal proceedings,” a 2018 U.S. Department of Justice press release said. Muhtorov was initially arrested in 2012 and given credit for time served.


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