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U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration announced a funding opportunity for National Scenic Byways Program for the first time since 2012. | Meric Dagli/Unsplash

Pollack: Department of Transportation funding National Scenic Byways Program for first time since 2012 to 'enhance travel'

The U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Highway Administration announced a funding opportunity for National Scenic Byways Program March 16.

A notice of funding opportunity was announced March 16 that declares states and federally recognized tribes can place an application for $22 million in grants through the NSBP.

"These grants enhance travel along some of the most beloved routes in the nation," said Deputy Federal Highway Administrator Stephanie Pollack. "Scenic roads are America's connections to the great outdoors and help support businesses large and small in regions across the country."

According to the March 16 news release, the NSBP "funds improvements, such as byway facilities, safety improvements and interpretive information, along roads in the United States that merit recognition at the national level for their outstanding scenic, historic, cultural, natural recreational and archeological qualities."

Since its creation, the NSBP has been awarded $505 million in grants, the release reported. However, the program hasn't been funded since 2012.

In 2021, 49 new byways were added to the existing list of National Scenic Byways bringing the number to 148 highways in the nation.

"Through their many unique qualities, each of these new additions to the National Scenic Byways program helps America's roads tell our national story," said FHWA Executive Director Tom Everett in a February 2021 news release. "These special routes offer travelers exciting new opportunities to explore the nation, from coast to coast or close to home."

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