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Airlines, airports and mass transit systems are able to make their own decisions regarding mask requirements. | Dr StClaire/Pixabay

TSA: Organization will 'no longer enforce its security directives' regarding face masks after federal judge ruling

Federal Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle ruled April 18 that the longstanding mask requirement for public transportation was "unlawful," reporting the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention exceeded its authority and failed to properly make rules, according to court documents.

Now, airlines, airports and mass transit systems are able to make their own decisions regarding mask requirements, NBC New York reported April 19. Airlines such as American, Delta, Frontier and Spirit were quick to jump on the announcement, making masks optional for domestic flights. Mask requirements for international flights vary based on destination. 

"Due to today’s court ruling, effective immediately, TSA will no longer enforce its security directives and emergency amendment requiring mask use on public transportation and transportation hubs," TSA said in an April 18 news release. "TSA will also rescind the new security directives that were scheduled to take effect tomorrow. CDC continues to recommend that people wear masks in indoor public transportation settings at this time."

Previously, TSA announced April 13 the public transportation mask requirement would be extended through May 3. 

"Great to see a federal judge in Florida follow the law and reject the Biden transportation mask mandate," Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis posted April 18 on Twitter. "Both airline employees and passengers deserve to have this misery end."

Mizelle's jurisdiction is the middle district of Florida, which includes Tampa. She was appointed in 2020 by former President Donald Trump and has been praised by Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, as reported by WTSP. 

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