Double Dose of Bad Inflation News This Week in Biden’s Economy

Double Dose of Bad Inflation News This Week in Biden’s Economy

“Americans are learning Joe Biden’s economy is a very cruel economy,” Republican Leader on the House Committee on Ways and Means Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX) warned on Newsmax’s National Report. This comes after Americans received a double dose of bad news as inflation is raging for both families and Main Street businesses. 

CLICK HERE to watch the full interview. 

President Biden’s cruel economy is getting worse for American families and small businesses.

“Inflation is raging both for families and for Main Street businesses. Worse, it’s accelerating. And so we’re seeing families take major pay cuts, reporting they’re skipping meals, eliminating meat, using credit cards for daily essentials.

“Now we’ve got about one out of four Americans who say they’ve been forced to delay their retirement because they can’t make ends meet in Joe Biden’s economy.” 

READ: Brady: Inflation Raging for Business, Too

The tax hikes included in a ‘slimmed down’ Build Back Better couldn’t come at a worse time.

“After all this spending fueled inflation, why are the President and Senate Democrats looking at a trillion dollars of more spending and taxes, especially on mainstream businesses, that will end up in higher prices as well?”

“If you look at what you buy, like clothing, and non-long term deals, that inflation rate is over 30 percent for those daily living expenses. That is really alarming, I think in a big way and doesn’t get as much attention as it should.”

“Those Build Back Better tax hikes – they are not dead yet until we reach September 30th when the budget year ends. We’re going to stay on our toes battling.”

READ: One-Pager: Democrats’ “Mom & Pop Paycut” is a Small Business Surtax on America’s Small Business Owners

READ: Democrats’ ‘Homebuyer Price Hike’ Worsens Americans’ Struggle with Biden-Flation, Crushes the American Dream

President Biden should abandon his $145 billion in tax hikes on American-made energy and unleash domestic production.

“We’ve got to start right here in America. No one does it more affordably and frankly, in a more environmentally responsible way, than we do. I think we ought to be as energy independent as we can be, especially right now when energy can be a very strong tool to really hammer Russia.”

Original source can be found here.

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