Comer Blasts Radical Left for Seeking to Intimidate the Supreme Court

Comer Blasts Radical Left for Seeking to Intimidate the Supreme Court

House Committee on Oversight and Reform Ranking Member James Comer (R-Ky.) opened today’s hearing on the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision by blasting Democrats for attacking the legitimacy of the Court. He emphasized the Supreme Court’s decision strengthens the democratic process by returning the issue of abortion to the states for the American people to decide. Ranking Member Comer concluded his remarks by calling on the Oversight Committee to return to its core mission and address issues facing Americans today, including inflation, rising energy prices, and President Biden’s border crisis.

Below are Ranking Member Comer’s prepared remarks.

Thank you, Madam Chair.

We are having a hearing today on a Supreme Court decision. A decision that came at the end of a legal process.

To be clear: the Dobbs decision did not outlaw abortion. Instead, it returned this issue to the states—for the people to decide.

Yet Democrats charge the Supreme Court is somehow destroying our democracy—by strengthening the democratic process.

They have spent the last two months attacking the legitimacy of the Court, even seeking to intimidate the justices through thinly veiled threats of violence—all because the Left did not get the result it wanted.

In today’s hearing, Democrats will fear-monger, following the advice of their allies in the media and jumping on the bandwagon.

The New York Times published a piece saying that Democrats “need to lean into the politics of fear” when it comes to abortion.

To the mainstream media, the “politics of fear” includes ignoring violence against those who oppose their preferred policies. 

Just a few weeks ago, a man traveled across the country to try to assassinate a sitting Supreme Court Justice. 

The mainstream media buried the news. Why? Because doing so would somehow show their support for Justice Kavanaugh? Or even the Supreme Court?

Today’s hearing continues the pattern set by Democrats throughout this entire Congress.

In hearing after hearing, they have sought to draw attention away from the failures of the Biden Administration.

Failures that have led to skyrocketing inflation, record-high gas prices, a frightening shortage of baby formula, and the worst border crisis American history.

While Democrats refuse to conduct any meaningful oversight, President Biden has put us on a path to destroy America.

Unfortunately, Democrats are following suit by seeking to destroy our democratic institutions.

They are beholden to the radical Left—who even the Biden Administration admits is “out of touch.”

They have no respect for process, even though our Republic relies on process to survive.

When process is respected, it strengthens our institutions and encourages responsible civic action through the legislative process.

When the process is respected, the rule of law is upheld.

And thankfully, the Supreme Court respected process.

The Constitution begins “We the People of the United States.”  Not “We the Government” or “We the Nine Justices of the Supreme Court.”

And to see the Supreme Court restrain its own powers and return authority to the states and the people is inspiring.

Meanwhile, the American people entrusted Congress to restrain the powers of the Executive Branch. 

And toward that end, the Congress—and our Committee—has failed.

As our country struggles under the weight of inflation, skyrocketing energy prices, and a broken southern border, we have sat idly by holding hearings that offer the American people zero solutions.

This Committee needs to do better. We must do better.

Thank you, I yield back.

Original source can be found here.

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