July 29: bills handled by Armed Services Committee

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July 29: bills handled by Armed Services Committee

The Armed Services Committee handled H.R.8595, H.R.8611, H.R.8626, H.R.8627 bills on July 29, according to the US Congress.

Bill H.R.8595 titled “To amend title 49, United States Code, to require the disclosure of a relationship with a foreign principal by any person who is required to submit an application for an energy project to the Secretary of Transportation, and for other purposes” was referred to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned by the House of Representatives. The bill is sponsored by Actions All with Mayra Flores, Mary Miller, Matthew Rosendale as cosponsors.

Bill H.R.8611 titled “To require the President develop a national strategy for utilizing microreactors to assist with natural disaster response efforts, and for other purposes” was referred to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure and in addition to the Committees on Energy and Commerce and Armed Services for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned by the House of Representatives. The bill is sponsored by Actions All with Mike Doyle, Charles Fleischmann as cosponsors.

Bill H.R.8626 titled “To amend title 10, United States Code, to direct the Secretary concerned to carry out training on the consequences of committing a crime in preseparation counseling of the Transition Assistance Program, and for other purposes” was referred to the House Committee on Armed Services by the House of Representatives. The bill is sponsored by Actions All with Mariannette Miller-Meeks as cosponsor.

Bill H.R.8627 titled “To direct the Secretary of Defense to include a module on digital literacy in the annual cyber awareness training provided to certain members of the Armed Forces” was referred to the House Committee on Armed Services by the House of Representatives. The bill is sponsored by Actions All.

The Armed Services Committee moves forward in some way on one bill per day.

Most bills have a hearing where those involved explain why they are for or against the bill. Roughly 8,000 bills are addressed by committees each year but only about 800 make it to the floor of Congress, according to ushistory.org.

A 2019 report from the Brookings Institute argued committees aren’t capable of delving fully into the issues they address and are forced to rely on lobbyists.

Bills Addressed by Armed Services Committee on July 29
Bill NameSponsorAction
To amend title 49, United States Code, to require the disclosure of a relationship with a foreign principal by any person who is required to submit an application for an energy project to the Secretary of Transportation, and for other purposes.Rep. Cloud, MichaelHouse of Representatives
To require the President develop a national strategy for utilizing microreactors to assist with natural disaster response efforts, and for other purposes.Rep. Donalds, ByronHouse of Representatives
To amend title 10, United States Code, to direct the Secretary concerned to carry out training on the consequences of committing a crime in preseparation counseling of the Transition Assistance Program, and for other purposes.Rep. Slotkin, ElissaHouse of Representatives
To direct the Secretary of Defense to include a module on digital literacy in the annual cyber awareness training provided to certain members of the Armed Forces.Rep. Slotkin, ElissaHouse of Representatives