Sawser takes command of USACE Memphis District

Sawser takes command of USACE Memphis District

In an Assumption of Command Ceremony held on July 22, at the Renasant Convention Center in downtown Memphis, Col. Brian D. Sawser assumed command of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Memphis District.  Mississippi Valley Division Commander and Mississippi River Commission President Maj. Gen. Diana M. Holland presided over the ceremony.

The assumption of command ceremony is a military tradition that formally signifies the transfer of authority and responsibility from one commanding officer to another, symbolized through the passing of the unit’s colors or flag.

In his new role as commander of the Memphis District, Col. Sawser is responsible for flood damage reduction, navigation, environmental stewardship, emergency operations, other authorized civil works, and work for others along 610 miles of the Mississippi and White Rivers, encompassing a 25,000 square mile area in six states: Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Mississippi.

He leads the district in serving and managing effective partnerships with 100 flood control districts, water resource and wildlife agencies from six states, four Port Commissions, the Lower Mississippi Valley Flood Control Association, as well as eight Congressional Districts and 12 Senators.

Col. Sawser, a native of Salem, Oregon, graduated from the United States Military Academy and was commissioned in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 1999. His prior command assignments include command of a combat engineer company in the 54th Engineer Battalion, 130th Engineer Brigade and the 39th Engineer Battalion, 101st Airborne Division.

Original source can be found here.

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