DHS secretary travels to Florida for public safety discussion

07252022 secretary mayorkas meeting 1
Alejandro Mayorkas, Department of Homeland Security secretary, speaks during a security meeting in Orlando, Florida. | Department of Homeland Security

DHS secretary travels to Florida for public safety discussion


Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, recently participated in a roundtable discussion in Orlando, Florida, to discuss increasing security at public events and gathering places.

The roundtable's discussion, which featured Central Florida stakeholders, focused on collaboration between the DHS and the private sector to promote security, according to a July 26 press release. Participants discussed security best practices, emerging threats, and federal resources, such as grants, and training organized by the DHS. Participants also discussed the growing issue of drones or unmanned aerial systems (UAS) intruding into areas that could affect public safety.

The Protective Security Advisor (PSA) Program, run by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), offers assistance and advice on infrastructure protection and vulnerability reduction to state, local, and private sector officials as well as owners and operators of critical infrastructure facilities, according to the release. The program was discussed during the meeting.

The DHS has worked extensively over the past year after the establishment of the Domestic Terrorism Branch in the Office of Intelligence and Analysis, according to the release, to improve its capacity to assess, generate, and disseminate reliable intelligence products. Those reports the department stated, help counter threats.


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