WASHINGTON - The Bureau of Reclamation announced today that 11 tribes in seven states will receive $1.8 million through the Native American Affairs Technical Assistance to Tribes Program.
"This funding will help facilitate partnerships with tribes and tribal organizations as they develop, manage and protect their water resources," said Bureau of Reclamation Deputy Commissioner Camille Calimlim Touton. "Reclamation is committed to working with Indian tribes and tribal nations on these important water resources issues."
The funding will be provided to the tribes as grants or cooperative agreements. The projects selected are:
* Hopi Tribe-Range Well Assessment, $200,000 (Arizona)
* Navajo Nation-Leupp Well PW-2B Planning Assessment, $116,951 (Arizona)
* San Carlos Apache Tribe-Automated Solar-Powered Stock Watering Demonstration Project, $197,143 (Arizona)
* Elk Valley Rancheria Water Storage Tank Rehabilitation, $200,000 (California)
* Colusa Indian Community-Potable Water Security & Improved Human Safety Infrastructure, $50,000 (California)
* Nez Perce Tribe of Idaho-Water Quality and Quantity and Toxic Algal Bloom Monitoring, $200,000 (Idaho)
* Pueblo of Acoma-Phase 2-Sandoval Ditch Rehabilitation, $200,000 (New Mexico)
* Ohkay Owingeh-El Guique Water Delivery System Design, $192,524 (New Mexico)
* Chickasaw Nation-Water Supply, City of Lone Grove, $160,635 (Oklahoma)
* Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs-Groundwater Assessment for Domestic Water Supply, $99,960 (Oregon)
* Paiute Tribe of Utah-Domestic Water System Improvements, $200,000 (Utah)
The Native American and International Affairs Office in the Commissioner's Office serves as the central coordination point for the Native American Affairs Program and lead for policy guidance for Native American issues in Reclamation. To learn more, please visit www.usbr.gov/native.
Source: Bureau of Reclamation