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KNP Complex Update October 31, 2021

The following press release was published by the U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service on Oct. 31, 2021. It is reproduced in full below.

Acres: 88,307 acres

Containment: 75%

Start Date: Sept. 10, 2021

Cause: Lightning

Jurisdiction: Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks; Sequoia National Forest

Resources: 492 Personnel including: 7 crews, 12 engines, 4 water tenders, 1 dozer, 18 excavators and 3 helicopters

A Sequoia Protection group is in place along the northwest portion of the fire. Firefighters assigned to this group are working closely with local resource advisors to identify hazardous cedar and fir trees to mark them for removal. Part of the criteria for hazard tree removal includes standing dead trees that will impact the road, parking areas, and pullouts. Fallers are mitigating these hazards over the next few days to provide safe access for visitors once they are allowed to enter the area.

Suppression repair work across the fire area is focusing on preventing further damage to the land and provide erosion control. This is done by constructing water bars and covering both handline and dozer line with vegetation. Crews are patrolling the fire perimeter where it is safe to do so, checking for any remaining heat, and holding containment lines. With the completion of both suppression and suppression repair work, firefighters are backhauling equipment from the field that is no longer needed. Heavy equipment, chippers, and crews are being reassigned to other areas of the fire as work is completed. Chipping operations along the Mineral King Road are ongoing. Coordination is taking place daily with local resource advisors to prioritize groves and provide for the highest possibility of success.

As objectives are met across the fire area, the Incident Management Team is releasing resources and right sizing the organization. This is in preparation for the transition from a Type 2 Incident Management Team to a smaller, local Type 3 Organization on the evening of Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2021.

Weather: Cooler weather and precipitation has moderated fire behavior. Patchy fog is a possibility in the lower elevations this morning and should dissipate by 10:00 a.m. Today is predicted be two to four degrees cooler than yesterday with partly cloudy skies and light winds.

Safety: Crews and heavy equipment are working across the fire area to clear debris from the roads. Please be aware of and respect closures, slow down and turn headlights on for safety.

Evacuations: Visit: https://nifc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=4b2ac27b5c8943ed92c0e77aa94daca0

Closures: Visit: https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/closures/7838/



EMAIL: 2021.KNP@firenet.gov

INCIWEB: https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/7838/

YOUTUBE: https://bit.ly/2021KNPComplex

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/sequoiakingsnps/ and https://www.facebook.com/sequoiaNF/

TWITTER: https://twitter.com/SequoiaKingsnps and https://twitter.com/sequoiaforest

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/Sequoiakingsnps

Tags: wildfire knp complex knp complex fire sequoia and kings canyon national parks sequoia national forest

Source: U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service

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