DOS-ISN grant application closes on Jan. 31

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DOS-ISN grant application closes on Jan. 31

The DOS Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation is offering a grant open from Oct. 31 to Jan. 31.

The grant could provide up to $250,000.

The Office of Cooperative Threat Reduction (ISN/CTR), part of the Department's Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation (ISN), sponsors foreign assistance activities funded by the Nonproliferation, Anti-terrorism, Demining and Related Programs (NADR) account, and focuses on mitigating weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and WMD-related delivery systems proliferation and security threats from non-state actors and proliferator states. Please carefully follow all instructions below. ISN/CTR administers the Nonproliferation Scientist Engagement Program (NSEP). The program provides near-term capacity-building, virtual fellowships, and technology matchmaking support to Ukrainian civilian scientists with dual-use relevant expertise who are geographically displaced or otherwise rendered financially vulnerable to proliferator state exploitation due to Russia's further invasion of Ukraine. The NSEP focuses narrowly on that subset of Ukrainian civilian scientists, technicians, and engineers who have scientific or engineering expertise that could be redirected and exploited by proliferator states or rogue actors to support nuclear, biological, chemical, or missile programs that could be used to attack the United States and our allies and partners. Via the following lines of effort, the NSEP seeks to provide near-term capacity-building and research support for a time-limited period to engage displaced Ukrainian experts wherever they currently reside (whether within Ukraine or abroad) on a virtual or hybrid basis. Efforts to relocate scientists geographically are out of scope for the program, and such proposals are not being sought.