DOS-ISN grant application closes on Jan. 31

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DOS-ISN grant application closes on Jan. 31

The DOS Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation is offering a grant open from Oct. 31 to Jan. 31.

The grant could provide up to $250,000.

ISN/CTR builds foreign partner capacity to support the implementation of bilateral sanctions imposed against Russia for its unprovoked aggression in Ukraine. These sanctions not only impose costs upon Russia and Belarus but are a critical tool in preserving international unity and for partners to show support for Ukraine. Putin and the Kremlin believe that they can "outlast; the support for these sanctions. Therefore, as the war continues, it is important to target those who deliberately or inadvertently enable sanctions evasions. Russian strategic losses, partial mobilization, and its increasing desperation of targeting civilian populations and infrastructure have greatly increased the reputational and financial risks of continuing to engage with Russian markets, especially for countries that are closely emmeshed with the U.S. and EU economies.