Comer: China cannot be allowed to jeopardize American food security

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Congressman James Comer warns about China buying U.S. farmland. | Congressman James Comer/Facebook

Comer: China cannot be allowed to jeopardize American food security

Congressman James Comer recently said ownership of American farmland by the Chinese government is a direct threat to our country's national and food security.

According to a news release, Republican Leader of the House Committee on Oversight and Reform Comer and Republican Leader of the House Committee on Agriculture Glenn “GT” Thompson, were joined by 128 of their Conference colleagues in sending a letter to Comptroller General Gene Dodaro of the U.S. Government Accountability Office. The letter requests a study regarding foreign investment in U.S. farmland and its impact on national security, trade and food security.

“China’s ownership of U.S. farmland is a threat to our food security and national security. An affordable, reliable food supply is critical to our nation’s well-being and prosperity,” Comer said in the release. “We must ensure America maintains control of our nation’s resources. We are calling on the Government Accountability Office to report on the scope of this threat to our food supply to inform Congress how we can best protect the security of the American people. Americans need transparency about the federal government’s efforts to address this growing problem.”

A recently released fact sheet from the America First Policy Institute shows 14 states have already enacted laws effectively banning the CCP from owning agricultural land, and another three have introduced legislation. This fact sheet also noted a USDA report showing Chinese investors held 13,720 acres in 2010, whereas  they owned 352,140 acresin 2020. This is an average yearly increase of more than 33,000 acres per year. 

The AFPI report makes note of how our agricultural land is a strategic national asset that allows us food security and independence. The report also shows how securing and dominating world food supply chains is an integral part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, which has also seen them hoard computer chips, minerals and other sensitive commodities.

James Comer studied agriculture at Western Kentucky University, according to his biography. Upon his graduation, he purchased a farm and entered the agricultural business world. In 2011, he was elected and served as Kentucky's commissioner of agriculture. In 2016, he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives to represent Kentucky's 1st Congressional District. He currently sits on the House Committee on Oversight and Reform and the House Committee on Education and Labor.

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