Explanation of Position on a Second Committee Resolution on the Convention on Biological Diversity

The United States thanks the facilitator for their efforts and persistence in guiding this resolution over the last several weeks. We are pleased to join consensus in support of the Convention on Biological Diversity and its contribution to sustainable development. The United States is supportive of an ambitious Global Biodiversity Framework and looks forward to COP15 this December. We appreciate Canada serving as host of this important event.

Regrettably, the United States must dissociate from Operative Paragraph 2. Our strongly held view is well-known that any reference to the Kunming Declaration is unacceptable, as this document was not transparently negotiated by all Member States and, therefore, should not be noted.

We also reiterate the position of the United States, delivered in our General Statement, with regard to this resolution’s references to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, and the transfer of technology.

We look forward to continued work with all member states on the critical issue of climate change.

Thank you.

Original source can be found here.

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