House Committee on Natural Resources | https://scontent.fcrk1-4.fna.fbcdn.net/

Committee Advances Republican Bills Promoting Access, Conservation

 House Committee on Natural Resources held a markup on a slate of legislation, including three Republican bills, which all passed with unanimous support. Committee Ranking Member Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.) issued the following statement in response:

"It's great to see such bipartisan support for our legislation during today's markup. Mr. LaMalfa and Mr. Moore's bills promote access to our public lands, while Mr. Johnson's bill allows for greater conservation of a waterfowl sanctuary in his district. These bills might seem like small wins in D.C., but they're monumental to the communities they impact. I'm proud to pass these bills out of committee and look forward to seeing them advance through the legislative process."


The House Committee on Natural Resources passed a total of 12 bills out of committee under unanimous consent. Republican bills included:

  • H.R. 6427, introduced by U.S. Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.), which would amend the Red River National Wildlife Refuge Act to modify the boundary of the Red River National Wildlife Refuge.
  • H.R. 7615, introduced by U.S. Rep. Blake Moore (R-Utah), which would authorize the Secretary of the Interior to enter into partnerships to develop housing for its employees.
  • H.R. 8115, introduced by U.S. Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-Calif.), which would amend the Recreation and Public Purposes Act to authorize sales and leases of certain federal land to federally recognized Indian tribes.

Original source can be found here

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