United States and Peru Hold Meetings of the Environmental Affairs Council and the Sub-Committee on Forest Sector Governance under the United States-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement

White House | U.S Department of State

United States and Peru Hold Meetings of the Environmental Affairs Council and the Sub-Committee on Forest Sector Governance under the United States-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement


The United States and Peru held meetings of the Environmental Affairs Council and the Sub-Committee on Forest Sector Governance under the United States-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement (PTPA).  Assistant United States Trade Representative for Environment and Natural Resources Kelly Milton led the U.S. delegation, along with the Department of State’s Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Monica Medina.  Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (MINCETUR) Director of the North America and Europe Directorate John Cusipuma and Ministry of Environment (MINAM) International Affairs Specialist Lourdes Loayza led the Peruvian delegation.
During the meeting, the Parties highlighted their respective efforts to implement Environment Chapter commitments, including their actions to strengthen environmental protection, enforce environmental laws, and promote public participation in environmental decision-making.  The Council also discussed efforts to fight the climate crisis, support circular economy approaches, and combat plastics pollution, and affirmed a shared interest to further collaborate to address these challenges.  
The Council received updates from the Secretariat for Environmental Enforcement Matters (SEEM) on active public submissions and recent factual records.  Since 2017, the SEEM has received four submissions, including a submission related to sulfur in diesel fuel.  The submissions process is a cornerstone of public participation within the PTPA Environment Chapter.
Following the Council meeting, the Sub-Committee reviewed implementation of the PTPA Annex on Forest Sector Governance, including audits of timber producers and exporters, among other issues.  USTR continues to monitor Peru’s implementation of its Annex commitments.  The United States also requested any updates from Peru concerning any actions taken with respect to Peruvian exporters subject to the recently extended denial of entry orders relating to illegally harvested timber.
The Council and Sub-Committee also held a public session on December 1 that benefitted from participation by a wide range of civil society and private sector representatives.  The public session reflected both Parties’ commitment to maintaining an open dialogue and participatory process regarding PTPA implementation.  The session also provided an opportunity for members of the public to offer comments and ask questions. 

Original source can be found here.


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