Michaelregan epa
EPA Administrator Michael Regan | U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Regan: Collaborations with committee 'demonstrate the pride we take in prioritizing local voices'

Fifteen new members and seven who are returning have been appointed to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Local Government Advisory Committee (LGAC), the EPA announced recently.

The appointments were announced at a recent LGAC public meeting for members to discuss ways to implement the Inflation Reduction Act, the EPA reported Jan. 13. The LGAC is an independent group that provides policy advice to the EPA on a variety of issues affecting local governments, according to the report.

The 34-member advisory committee will now be evenly split between female and male members and include 14 people of color with representation from 29 states and territories, the announcement reports. The EPA also appointed 12 new and five returning members to the LGAC’s Small Communities Advisory Subcommittee.

Lincoln, Neb. Mayor Leirion Gaylor Baird will continue to serve as the LGAC chair; Mayor Lucy Vinis of Eugene, Ore. will serve as the LGAC vice chair, according to the report. 

Baird said in the announcement that he looks forward to continuing his LGAC service and "remain committed to the important work of advancing climate security, infrastructure development, economic opportunity, environmental justice, and quality of life for people here in Lincoln and across our country."

“Our partnerships with local governments are critical to EPA’s efforts to tackle the climate crisis," EPA Administrator Michael Regan said in the announcement, "and ensure that investments from President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act reach the communities that need them most.

“The recommendations provided by the LGAC today demonstrate the pride we take in prioritizing local voices," Regan said, ":and I look forward to working with the new membership over the coming year."

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