EPA and DOJ Announce Settlement with Logan Square Aluminium Supply Over Lead Violations

EPA and DOJ Announce Settlement with Logan Square Aluminium Supply Over Lead Violations

The following press release was published by the US EPA on Jan. 30. It is reproduced in full below.

WASHINGTON – Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Justice announced a settlement with Logan Square Aluminum Supply Inc., resolving alleged violations of the federal Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting regulations, known as the RRP rule, at renovation projects Logan Square and its contractors performed in Chicago and Chicago suburbs.

Under the court settlement, Logan Square will implement a comprehensive program to ensure that its contractors are certified and trained to use lead-safe work practices to avoid creating lead dust during home renovation activities. Under a parallel administrative settlement agreement, Logan Square will also pay a $400,000 penalty, and perform $2 million of lead-based paint abatement work in lower-income properties located in Chicago and Chicago suburbs in communities with a higher incidence of childhood lead poisoning.

“Lead exposure from lead-based paint continues to be a hazard for American families living in older homes, and children in those homes are particularly vulnerable,” said Larry Starfield, EPA Acting Assistant Administrator for the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance. “This settlement requires Logan Square Aluminum Supply, Inc. to take necessary steps to ensure that it meets appropriate safety requirements in future renovation projects that may disturb lead-based paint.” “Companies that renovate homes built before 1978 must ensure that they hire EPA-certified contractors and follow other EPA rules requiring lead safe work practices,” said Assistant Attorney General Todd Kim of the Justice Department’s Environment and Natural Resources Division. “We will take aggressive action against companies that do not take these important steps.” Renovation is any activity that disturbs painted surfaces and includes most repair, remodeling, and maintenance activities, such as electrical work, plumbing, carpentry and window replacement. Both Logan Square and its contractors are responsible for compliance with the RRP rule to protect the health and safety of families, especially children under the age of six who are most susceptible to lead hazards. For these projects, Logan Square must contract with only EPA-certified firms and renovators, ensure they maintain certification, use lead-safe work practices, and document their work with checklists during renovations.

Logan Square will add a link on its website to EPA’s content on lead-safe work practices. In addition, Logan Square will take action to respond to situations where a contractor is not operating in compliance with the RRP rule; investigate all reports of potential noncompliance; and ensure that any violations are corrected and reported to EPA.

EPA first discovered the alleged violations through customer complaints about a project performed in Evanston, Illinois. EPA learned that Logan Square frequently subcontracted work to uncertified firms and did not use lead-safe work practices, perform required post-renovation cleaning, provide the EPA-required lead-based paint pamphlets to occupants, or establish records of compliance. Logan Square also conducts business under other names, including Climate Guard Thermal Products Co. and Studio 41.

The consent decree was lodged in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois. Notice of the lodging of the consent decree will appear in the Federal Register allowing for a 30-day public comment period before the consent decree can be entered by the court as final judgment. View the consent decree here. Further information is available from the National Lead Information Center (800-424-LEAD) and on EPA’s Lead webpage. Available resources include additional information about the RRP program; information for contractors and property managers about program requirements; and downloadable lead-safety education materials.

To report a possible violation of the RRP Rule requirements, please visit EPA’s website.

Source: US EPA

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