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The Global Security Contingency Fund

The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs has managed the Global Security Contingency Fund (GSCF)—jointly with the Department of Defense—since it was established in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The GSCF authority was renewed annually until FY 2022.

About GSCF

Global Security Contingency Fund (GSCF): GSCF was a unique authority that provided the Secretaries of State and Defense with a flexible tool to pool funding and expertise across agencies to help advance the U.S. government’s strategic objectives and address emerging security challenges outside of the annual budget cycles.

Assistance through GSCF included institution capacity building and train and equip projects to enhance the capabilities of partner country military forces and other national-level security forces to conduct border and maritime security, internal defense, and counterterrorism operations, as well as to participate in or support military, stability, or peace support operations consistent with U.S. foreign policy and national security interests.

GSCF Accomplishments

GSCF has invested over $200 million in fourteen countries, from the Lake Chad Basin to the Philippines to Eastern Europe, including support in the following countries:


In 2014, GSCF enabled the National Guard of Ukraine, a newly created force with the authority to conduct domestic operations, to support Ukraine’s response to counter Russian-led forces’ aggression in eastern Ukraine. GSCF built upon initial success by

funding a second project in 2016 to create a qualification course for Ukraine special operations forces, train Ukrainian military medical personnel, support validation exercises for security force personnel deploying to areas of conflict within Ukraine, and institute non-commissioned officer training. The Ukrainian military and special operations forces demonstrated their effectiveness and proficiency during the 2022 Russian invasion.

The Philippines

From 2015-2022, GSCF support to the Philippines’ security forces significantly improved their maritime security and counterterrorism abilities across multiple agencies in an effort to combat crime and terrorism across the country and assist the Philippines with protecting its interests in the maritime domain. As a result of this project, the Philippine National Police-Maritime Group Coast Guard and other security force personnel reported increased sustainment capacity, maritime domain awareness, and law enforcement capabilities, allowing security forces to jointly address a wide variety of security challenges, including smuggling, terrorism, and security issues in the South China Sea.

Hungary, Romania, Slovakia

From 2013-2017, GSCF investments strengthened special operations forces in Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia to increase overall NATO interoperability and further the alliance’s efforts to deter Russian aggression. GSCF provided communication equipment and training to enhance the capabilities of these special operations forces to conduct reconnaissance, internal defense, and other missions. Additionally, GSCF investments developed these countries’ special operations forces ability to conduct out-of-area operations with deployable Special Operation Task Groups in support of NATO and contingency operations.

Nigeria, Niger, Chad, Cameroon

From 2014-2018, GSCF assisted national-level security forces in Cameroon, Chad, Niger, and Nigeria to develop institutional and tactical capabilities enhancing joint efforts to address security on shared borders and increase cross-border cooperation to counter Boko Haram and ISIS-West Africa. Security forces across the region report increased tactical and operational proficiency because of this assistance, as well as newly established interagency and multinational communications that they have successfully employed to secure their borders. As a result, the Lake Chad Basin nations now conduct multinational and interagency cross-border missions, severely limiting Boko Haram’s operational capacity.

For additional information, please contact the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs’ Office of Congressional and Public Affairs at pm-cpa@state.gov and follow us on Twitter @StateDeptPM.

Original source can be found here

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