
Request for Comments: NOAA’s Office of Law Enforcement Priorities


NOAA Fisheries released the Office of Law Enforcement’s Draft Enforcement Priorities for 2023–2027. These priorities were developed through an extensive stakeholder engagement process. They will help our enforcement team accomplish its mission, guide its strategic planning, and focus the use of law enforcement assets where they are most needed. 

We invite additional public comments on the document for the next 30 days as we work to ensure that all voices are heard in this process. 

Goals and Objectives

Effective marine resource management depends on effective enforcement. We are dedicated to protecting marine wildlife and habitat by promoting compliance with domestic laws and international treaty obligations through law enforcement activities. 

NOAA’s Office of Law Enforcement supports NOAA Fisheries’ mission by enforcing and promoting compliance with marine resource protection laws and implementing regulations under NOAA’s purview. In addition, we focus efforts to:

  • Combat illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing
  • Support international fisheries; reduce seafood fraud
  • End wildlife trafficking
The 2023–2027 enforcement priorities were designed to support and implement these goals. 

While the Office of Law Enforcement enforces marine resource laws, the Office of the General Counsel’s Enforcement Section is NOAA’s civil prosecutor. Together, the two offices make up NOAA’s enforcement program and work with other offices to establish national law enforcement policy. 

How To Provide Comment

You can provide comments online. The comment period is open through April 17, 2023. 

Original source can be found here.