
Census Bureau to Embargo Vintage 2022 Population Estimates


The U.S. Census Bureau will offer a two-day embargo period for qualified media to view the Vintage 2022 population estimates for U.S. counties and Puerto Rico municipios. Statistics to be released include total population and components of change (births, deaths, and domestic/international migration).The release of metropolitan and micropolitan statistical area Vintage 2022 population estimates has been postponed from March to May to accommodate the transition from counties to planning regions in Connecticut. This data release will be limited to total population and will not include the components of change. The delay and change to product availability is only expected to affect Vintage 2022 estimates. 


Tuesday, March 28, 2023, at 10 a.m. EDT to Thursday, March 30, 2023, at 12:01 a.m. EDT.


Census Bureau’s embargo site.

Interview requests:

Embargo subscribers may interview Census Bureau experts during the embargo period. To request an interview, email .   

Obtain media embargo access:

Visit the Census Bureau’s embargo site to register for embargo access.The embargoed information may not be published, broadcast, posted online, distributed via wire and distribution services, or shared until the public release date and time (Thursday, March 30, 2023, at 12:01 a.m. EDT).Embargo subscribers are encouraged to confirm their login user name and password are up to date prior to March 24. For embargo assistance, email .

Original source can be found here.