Records Official Sworn in as New LM Deputy Director

Carmelo Melendez, Office of Legacy Management Director | U.S. Department of Energy

Records Official Sworn in as New LM Deputy Director

In a special in-person ceremony on Feb. 13, 2023, Office of Legacy Management (LM) promoted Edwin “Doc” Parks to deputy director for business operations (OBO).

During his 27-year tenure in the U.S. Air Force (USAF), Parks held numerous jobs, from command to staff positions in nuclear policy, budgeting, training, and program management. He worked for USAF Headquarters, the Joint Staff, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, and numerous USAF units. After joining LM in September 2010 as a Records Management program analyst, Parks provided support for records and information programs, policies, procedures, plans, budgets, and operational analyses.

Parks eventually became the LM program records official, the authorizing official, the federal official accountable for risks associated with LM’s information systems, and the Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act point of contact.

Parks was officially sworn into the new position by LM Director Carmelo Melendez at the Legacy Management Business Center in Morgantown, West Virginia. About 50 people, including LM and LM Strategic Partner staff and members of Parks’ family, attended the event.

During the ceremony, Melendez delivered the oath of office, presenting Parks with a U.S. Department of Energy flag and a gold pin in recognition of this achievement.

“This position represents the trust bestowed on Parks by the Secretary of Energy to represent the department and lead a particular LM mission,” Melendez said. “Congratulations to Doc on this great achievement. It is a testament to his hard work and effort within this organization. We appreciate you and enjoy having you as a co-worker and a leader.”

OBO is responsible for a variety of functions within LM, including managing LM’s records and information technology management program; continuity of post- closure and retiree benefits to eligible site closure contractor employees; and real and personal property programs. Parks will also take on strategic planning, program integration, finance and budgeting, human capital operations, and acquisition responsibilities.

Overcome with emotion, Parks expressed his gratitude to Melendez and all the staff in attendance.

“This means a lot to me,” said Parks. “I almost retired in 2014, but I decided to stick around as LM had become a really amazing place. I’m glad I can continue to do this important work and stay close to my family in Morgantown. I want to thank all of you sincerely for being here today and for Director Melendez and LM for continuing to support me.”  

Original source can be found here.

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