U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Civil Works | U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Civil Works

Wilmington Harbor Navigation Improvement Evaluation Continues


The US Army Corps of Engineers is withdrawing a previous Notice of Intent (NOI) which was published in the Federal Register in September 2019 for the preparation of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS), for the Wilmington Harbor Navigation Improvement Project Feasibility Study.

In 2020, The North Carolina State Ports Authority completed a feasibility study evaluating the deepening of the harbor. The project was conditionally authorized by Congress under Section 403 of Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2020: Authorization of Projects Based on Feasibility Studies Prepared by Non-Federal Interests.  

A condition of the authorization requires the Corps to complete an evaluation of technical, policy and legal concerns noted by the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works (ASA (CW)). The objective is to ensure that the study complies with Federal laws and regulations. The Corps will be conducting an environmental review process as part of this evaluation. 

“This project is a top priority in our district, and we value this great partnership with the Port,” said Colonel Benjamin Bennett, Commander of Wilmington District. “We recognize the importance of early, often, and meaningful public engagement during our evaluation process. Therefore, we will offer ample opportunity for the public to express ideas and concerns.”

This ~$8.5M evaluation will be completed through a cost-share agreement with NCSPA, with an anticipated timeline of ~4 years. Once the evaluation is complete the Wilmington District will submit a report of findings back to the Office of the ASA (CW).

Original source can be found here


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