The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has introduced a rule to significantly reduce smog-forming nitrogen oxide pollution from power plants and other industrial facilities in 23 states, the agency announced March 15.
The EPA's final Good Neighbor Plan "will improve air quality for millions of people living in downwind communities, saving thousands of lives, keeping people out of the hospital, preventing asthma attacks, and reducing sick days," the news release states.
"The Good Neighbor Plan announced today will ensure that 23 states meet the Clean Air Act’s 'Good Neighbor' requirements," the agency states in the release. "The rule will reduce pollution that significantly contributes to problems downwind states face in attaining and maintaining EPA’s health-based air quality standard for ground-level ozone, known as the 2015 Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)."
The Clean Air Act requires the EPA to release a federal plan to contend with pollution that increases levels of ground-level ozone, or smog, traveling beyond state boundaries, according to the release. Ground-level ozone can lead to respiratory issues, worsen asthma and other lung diseases, and increase the number of lost work or school days, emergency room visits, and premature deaths, according to the EPA.
"These costly public health impacts can be especially harmful to children and older adults, disproportionately affecting people of color, families with low-incomes, and other vulnerable populations," the agency states in the release. "In addressing the significant contribution of upwind states to downwind smog, the program is anticipated to deliver important emissions reductions for environmental justice communities."
The Good Neighbor plan uses a proven, science-based approach to limit nitrogen oxide emission during the summertime "ozone season;" create a nitrogen oxide allowance trading program for fossil fuel-fired power plants in 22 states; and set nitrogen oxide emissions standards for specified sources within nine industry categories in 20 states.
The plan also builds on the demonstrated success of existing emission trading programs by adding features promoting the consistent use of emissions controls to enhance public health and environmental protection for affected downwind regions. Additionally, it implements the Clean Air Act's "Good Neighbor" or "interstate transport" provision, which mandates that each state submits a State Implementation Plan (SIP) that ensures that sources within the state do not significantly contribute to nonattainment or interfere with the maintenance of the NAAQS in another state.
“Every community deserves fresh air to breathe," EPA Administrator Michael Regan said in the news release. "EPA’s ‘Good Neighbor’ plan will lock in significant pollution reductions to ensure cleaner air and deliver public health protections for those who’ve suffered far too long from air-quality related impacts and illness.
"We know air pollution doesn’t stop at the state line," Regan said. "Today’s action will help our state partners meet stronger air quality health standards beyond borders, saving lives and improving public health in impacted communities across the United States.”