Simon liu 800
Simon Liu, USDA ARS administrator |

USDA names two scientists to ARS Hall of Fame

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Research Services (ARS) will induct a pair of scientists into its Science Hall of Fame for their efforts in the development of biobased products and genomic research in livestock, a recent ARS news release said.

Timothy P.L. Smith and George F. Fanta will be honored during an event at the Agricultural Library in Beltsville, Md.; the release said.

"Drs. Fanta and Smith are being recognized for exemplary research that has had significant impact on the agricultural sector and general public through their innovative approaches to problem-solving," Simon Liu, ARS administrator, said in the release. "They exemplify the values that have made ARS the premier agricultural research organization that it is today." 

Fanta works as a research chemist at the ARS National Center for Agricultural Utilization's Plant Polymer Research unit. During a career that has spanned 57 years, he has received numerous grants and awards. He will be recognized for his work in the development of biobased products, in which he has been instrumental in the development of consumer health and industry products created from agricultural items, including wheat flour and corn starch.

Smith, a molecular geneticist at the ARS Meat Animal Research Center in Clay Center, Neb., is being honored for his research in using genomic tools to enhance the health and productivity of livestock, the release said. Smith’s work on using genetics to detect production traits and disease resistance in cattle led to changes in breeding efforts in the industry.

The release also noted that Smith's work in microbial and animal genomics has led to speaking engagements around the world.

The ARS Hall of Fame was formed in 1986 to recognize veteran researchers for their achievements, the release said. To be considered for induction, nominees must be retired or eligible for retirement.