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Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health Douglas L. Parker | osha.gov

Litana Development Inc. hit with penalty in settlement for worker safety oversights

A punishment was levied against Litana Development Inc. as part of a settlement over workplace safety violations. As part of the settlement, OSHA's citations and the penalty have both been upheld in their entirety.

The agreement between the United States Department of Labor and Litana Development Inc. of New Jersey, which was affirmed in a settlement, called for the former to pay the latter $180,000. The company was reckless in 2021 and 2022, when it put its employees in danger by allowing them to risk injury by operating too close to live power lines. This negligence resulted in the fine.

During inspections in 2021, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) found that workers from Litana and its subcontractors, including Prata Construction LLC and Konopka Construction Inc., built scaffolding within five to seven feet of electrical power lines. This posed a risk, which was observed for the first time in 2021. Even after being warned about the harmful activities, they were still being demonstrated, as fresh inspections in 2022 demonstrated.

According to Richard Mendelson, the regional administrator for OSHA in New York, “This case came about because the employer chose to start working without regard to protecting their workers. This settlement holds Litana Development Inc. responsible for its failures and will make the company’s job sites safer for the people who work at them.”

As part of the agreement, Litana is obligated to take additional precautions to ensure worker safety. These steps include the preparation of a safety plan for OSHA's review and the mandate that subcontractors complete OSHA-specific education and training.

The regional solicitor for the Department of Labor, Jeffrey S. Rogoff, lauded the significance of the agreement, complimenting it for its role in "ensuring employer accountability," and hailing the Department of Labor's determination to implementing standards regarding worker safety. Rogoff was speaking about the deal.