CCIA submits comments for U.S.-Brazil Commercial Dialogue agenda

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Matthew Schruers President & CEO at Computer & Communications Industry Association | Official website

CCIA submits comments for U.S.-Brazil Commercial Dialogue agenda

The Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) filed comments today with the International Trade Administration, providing input on proposed topics for the agenda of the 22nd Plenary of the U.S.-Brazil Commercial Dialogue. The event is scheduled to take place on September 19, 2024.

The proposed topics aim to build on the Dialogue’s prior efforts in addressing non-tariff barriers to digital trade between the United States and Brazil. These include expanding cross-border data transfer mechanisms, cooperating on artificial intelligence (AI), and sharing best practices on intellectual property (IP) protection.

CCIA acknowledges the significance of digital trade to both economies and has previously submitted comments regarding Brazil’s proposed regulation of internet-enabled content and Added Value Services, as well as U.S.-Brazil trade discussions under the Agreement on Trade and Economic Cooperation.