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Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) | Wikimedia Commons- Gage Skidmore

Senator Blackburn: 'Cartels are profiting off social media'


U.S. Senator for Tennessee Marsha Blackburn stated that drug dealers and cartels must be prevented from using social media to grow profits. Blackburn made the statement in a post on X on August 1.

"Drug dealers and cartels are profiting off social media," said Blackburn. "We need to rein in these companies."

According to a Wall Street Journal exclusive, Meta, the parent company of social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook, has been found advertising the sale of illegal drugs. Advertisements on Facebook and Instagram are monitored by Meta through AI software, but a study conducted from March to June of 2024 found 450 ads for drug sales.

Blackburn's X post. | X.

One California fifteen-year-old, Elijah Ott, died from a drug overdose in 2023, according to the Wall Street Journal piece. His mother believes he obtained a Xanax-like substance and marijuana oil through dealers advertising on social media; the drugs he purchased were laced with fentanyl, which caused his death.

Mexican cartels have also been known to use social media as a platform to enlist Americans, often teenagers, to perform illegal services for them, CBS reported. They promise financial compensation for driving to the border to pick up migrants, advertising on sites like TikTok and Instagram. According to CBS, 400 people in Arizona, mostly American citizens, have been caught and arrested for assisting the cartels in smuggling migrants across the border.

Blackburn was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2018, according to her website. She represents Tennessee and is currently in her first term. She previously served as the representative for Tennessee's 7th Congressional District.