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Michael S. Regan, EPA Administrator | https://en.wikipedia.org/

EPA allocates over $156M for solar systems in low-income NM households


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced a $156,120,000 grant from the Solar for All (SFA) program to New Mexico. This funding will be managed by the New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department (EMNRD) and aims to install solar energy systems in low-income households. The grant is part of the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF), established by the Inflation Reduction Act to address climate change, enhance economic competitiveness, and promote energy resilience.

“As impacts from the climate crisis continue, we must prioritize protecting vulnerable communities by offering green energy alternatives to build climate resilience and reduce pollution,” said Regional Administrator Dr. Earthea Nance. “With this funding, EMNRD will advance solar initiatives across the state of New Mexico by saving thousands in energy costs for families and delivering cleaner air to surrounding communities.”

Senator Ben Ray Luján of New Mexico expressed his support: “I’m proud to welcome $156 million Solar for All grant from the EPA to clean up our electrical grid and bring clean energy options to families here in New Mexico. This investment will boost clean energy efforts, create jobs, and reduce emissions, ensuring a healthier planet for future generations.”

Representative Leger Fernández highlighted the affordability of solar power: “Solar energy is now one of the most affordable ways to stabilize energy costs and fight the climate crisis. This $156 million in funding from the EPA will help New Mexico's Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department bring the benefits of solar power to more families.”

Representative Melanie Stansbury emphasized community impact: “When making the transition to a clean energy future, we must remember the communities impacted most: low-income communities of color. That’s why I am absolutely pumped that New Mexicans will benefit from the $156 million in funding from the EPA’s Solar for All Program!”

Congressman Gabe Vasquez added: "I have always believed that clean energy projects should not only address climate change but also provide good-paying jobs and economic opportunities right here in New Mexico."

New Energy Secretary-Designate Melanie Kenderdine noted that this initiative aligns with Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham's administration's goals: "This program is just one of many ways in which Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham's administration is working to ensure all New Mexicans share in the clean-energy transition."

The SFA program plans include creating an Environmental Justice Advisory Committee and conducting outreach efforts through Community-Based Organizations (CBOs). These activities aim at understanding barriers to community solar adoption while promoting its benefits.

EMNRD is among 49 state-level recipients sharing approximately $5.5 billion under EPA’s $7 billion Solar for All program. An estimated 900,000 households nationwide are expected to benefit from distributed solar energy through this initiative.

A complete list of grant recipients can be found on EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund Solar for All website.