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Brad Close National Federation of Independent Business | Official Website

NFIB awards Guardian of Small Business Award to U.S. senators

The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), a prominent small business advocacy organization, has awarded the Guardian of Small Business Award to members of the United States Senate. The award is given to lawmakers who consistently vote in alignment with small businesses on key issues identified by small business owners.

"The NFIB Guardian of Small Business Award is presented to Senators with a demonstrated record of supporting America’s small and independent business owners," said NFIB President and CEO Brad Close. "This Congress, small businesses faced tough economic headwinds, especially from inflation, labor shortages, and tax pressures at all levels of the government. We are proud to recognize Senators from the 118th Congress who stood up for Main Street by taking pro-small business votes that would reduce taxes, eliminate burdensome government mandates, lower health insurance costs, and fuel the Main Street economy."

Lawmakers who voted with small businesses on key issues 70% or more of the time during the 118th Congress earned this recognition. NFIB informs lawmakers in advance which votes will be considered NFIB Key Votes and asks them to support the consensus views of its members. Lawmakers are also reminded that their voting records will be reported back to NFIB membership.

For a complete list of the NFIB Guardian of Small Business Award recipients from the 118th Congress, please click here.
