Ambassador at large for the Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy, Nathaniel C. Fick, hosted a meeting on the security and resilience of undersea cables during the UN General Assembly High Level Week today.
The meeting announced the release of the New York Principles on Undersea Cables. This joint statement aims to declare a collective commitment to maintaining and increasing the security and resilience of undersea cable infrastructure in a globally digitalized world. The principles set forth a shared global approach to ensure the security, reliability, interoperability, sustainability, and resiliency for deploying, repairing, and maintaining undersea cable infrastructure.
The meeting also celebrated continued success in undersea cable initiatives in Pacific Island Countries over the last year. This includes the Vice-Ministerial held on March 28th this year. These initiatives have potential as models for collaboration with foreign governments and private sectors in other regions as well. The demand for undersea cables has become indispensable to commerce and digital growth across every sector of the global economy. Expanding these networks is foundational to a more interconnected global community.
Ambassador Fick called on attendees to recognize the “New York Principles,” emphasizing their importance as a joint statement on ensuring security, reliability, interoperability, sustainability, and resiliency for undersea cable infrastructure deployment and maintenance. To date, over thirty countries have endorsed these principles.
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