The Department of State has designated The Terrorgram Collective and three of its leaders as Specially Designated Global Terrorists. This group operates primarily on the Telegram platform and is linked to terrorist activities in various countries. It promotes violent white supremacism, encourages attacks on perceived adversaries, and provides guidance on tactics, methods, and targets for such attacks. The group also glorifies individuals who have carried out these acts.
In September 2024, two U.S. leaders of Terrorgram were charged by the Department of Justice with a 15-count indictment. The charges include soliciting hate crimes, soliciting the murder of federal officials, and conspiring to provide material support to terrorists.
The United States remains vigilant about racially or ethnically motivated violent extremism worldwide and is committed to addressing transnational components of violent white supremacism.
These actions are taken under Executive Order 13224, as amended. Further details can be found in the Department of State's fact sheet.