As U.S. trade policymakers turn their attention to removing discriminatory trade barriers, the Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA) has published a list of significant digital trade obstacles affecting U.S. digital exports. The CCIA is urging policymakers to address these barriers in foreign markets to expand the reach of U.S. digital exports, which contributed a $256 billion trade surplus in digitally-deliverable services in 2023.
The document titled "Priority Unfair Foreign Digital Trade Practices" outlines priorities for the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR), following its announcement in January to review unfair trade practices.
The list connects with CCIA’s submissions for USTR’s annual National Trade Estimate report and provides a global breakdown of digital trade barriers on the CCIA website. This includes detailed memos on policies across various regions such as the European Union, Asia & the Pacific, the Middle East and Africa, the Americas, and the United Kingdom.
Jonathan McHale, CCIA Vice President of Digital Trade, stated: “U.S. companies are leading exporters of digital products and services that bring significant benefits to the U.S. trade balance, the domestic economy, and the United States’ long-term competitiveness. Without meaningful access to foreign markets, these benefits are in jeopardy. The past several years have seen an increase in laws and regulations that hinder these exporters’ ability to operate in and serve foreign markets. USTR’s renewed attention to these unfair trade practices is welcome, and we look forward to this coming report as just a first step in engaging with trading partners and alleviating these harms.”