President Biden sends Ash Wednesday message to American Christians

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President Biden sends Ash Wednesday message to American Christians


The President and First Lady issued a message on Ash Wednesday, marking the beginning of Lent for millions of American Catholics and other Christians. The message emphasizes the spiritual significance of this period, which involves 40 days and nights dedicated to prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.

"During the Lenten season, Christians spend 40 days and 40 nights praying, fasting, and giving alms to deepen our faith and strengthen our belief in the Gospel," they stated. They also noted that on this day, "followers of Christ wear crosses of ash on their foreheads—a sacred reminder of our mortality and our enduring need for Christ’s infinite mercy and redeeming love."

The message encourages reflection on Jesus Christ's suffering as a preparation for Easter. "As we solemnly contemplate Jesus Christ’s suffering and death on the cross this Lent, let us prepare our souls for the coming glory of the Easter miracle," it reads.

Concluding their message with well-wishes for a meaningful Lenten season, they added: "We offer you our best wishes for a prayerful and enriching Lenten season. May Almighty God bless you, and may He continue to bless the United States of America."