Edward J. Gray Named Special Agent in Charge of the Oklahoma City Field Office


Edward J. Gray Named Special Agent in Charge of the Oklahoma City Field Office

Director Christopher Wray has named Edward J. Gray as the special agent in charge of the Oklahoma City Field Office. Mr. Gray most recently served as the deputy assistant director of the Critical Incident Response Group at FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C.


Mr. Gray joined the FBI as a special agent in 1995 and was assigned to the Enid Resident Agency of the Oklahoma City Field Office. He worked on the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force and investigated crimes on Indian reservations. He also established and led multi-jurisdictional task forces that prosecuted drug traffickers and their related crimes.


In 1999, Mr. Gray was transferred to the Fort Smith Resident Agency of the Little Rock Field Office in Arkansas. He worked complex financial crimes, violent crimes, organized crime drug investigations, crimes against children, and other matters. He also served on the SWAT team and as a firearms, tactical, and defensive tactics instructor. He deployed to the Salerno Forward Operating Base in Afghanistan to support Operation Enduring Freedom in 2008.


Mr. Gray was promoted to supervisory senior resident agent (SSRA) and transferred to Fayetteville, Arkansas, in 2011. As SSRA, Mr. Gray promoted the interests of the FBI in 17 counties in western Arkansas and supervised the Fort Smith and Fayetteville resident agencies.  


In 2015, Mr. Gray was named assistant legal attaché in Trinidad and Tobago, where he covered seven countries. He was promoted in 2017 to unit chief of the Render Safe Readiness Unit in the Critical Incident Response Group at FBI Headquarters. In 2018, he was named the assistant special agent in charge of the Mission Services Division for the Washington Field Office.


Mr. Gray was selected as a section chief in the International Operations Division at Headquarters in 2019 and oversaw FBI legal attachés in Europe, Eastern Europe, and Eurasia and the Global Readiness Unit. He was promoted to deputy assistant director of CIRG in 2020.


Mr. Gray earned a bachelor’s degree in physics from Ouachita Baptist University in Arkansas, an MBA from John Brown University in Arkansas, and a Master of Science from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Prior to joining the FBI, Mr. Gray was a military intelligence officer in the U.S. Army. In 1998, he earned the FBI Director’s Award for Distinguished Service by a New Employee. 

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