Carlos Horacio Suarez Monroy, 38, was arrested by Boston’s ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Fugitive Operations South Team near his home in Winthrop on Jan. 20. |

'Justice': Guatemala fugitive illegally in U.S. arrested in Massachusetts for rape of two minors in home country


A non-citizen fugitive who was wanted in his home country of Guatemala for rape and aggravated sexual assault against two minors was arrested in Massachusetts last month.

According to a release on Feb. 2 from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Carlos Horacio Suarez Monroy, 38, was arrested by Boston’s ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Fugitive Operations South Team near his home in Winthrop on Jan. 20. He was wanted in an Interpol Red Notice for felony aggravated sexual assault by a Guatemalan municipal court that prosecutes crimes involving violence against women.

“I’m extremely proud of the professionalism and dedication to public service displayed by our Fugitive Operations team that made this arrest,” said Todd M. Lyons, field office director, Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO), Boston. “Their rapid response in apprehending this individual will ensure he faces justice for his alleged depraved sexual criminal acts against children in Guatemala.” 

Suarez Monroy was taken to the Boston ICE field office in Burlington, Massachusetts after his arrest to be processed. According to the release, he had entered the country illegally in 2013 against the immigration law. However, after it was determined that he could not enter the country by U.S. Border Patrol, he was referred to ICE to be removed but remained in the U.S. As of the time of the press release, Suarez Monroy is being held in the U.S. in ICE custody pending removal proceedings.

“This arrest should strengthen the peace of mind and sense of safety for all members of our community and shows that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts will not be a safe haven for those wanted in their native countries,” Lyons said.

Anyone with information about foreign fugitives or non-citizens who pose a threat to national security, border security or public safety are asked to contact ICE at 1-866-347-2423, or internationally at 1802-872-6199. 


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