U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm announced $9 million in funding to develop clean energy in Native American communities. | U.S. Department of Energy/Wikimedia Commons

Granholm: Department of Energy to provide $9 million to Native American communities 'to build stronger, more resilient tribal nations'

The U.S. Department of Energy announced March 21 it would be providing nearly $9 million in funding to several Native American communities for 14 projects to develop clean energy resources, improve energy costs and increase energy security on tribal lands.

“Tribal communities are imbued with knowledge and ingenuity around sustainable energy infrastructure, and they are poised to help lead the country as we make an equitable transition to clean [energy],” U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm said.

According to the Department of Energy, the projects will provide clean electricity, power residential buildings, install microgrids and increase workforce training opportunities. The funding is meant to serve rural and underserved communities, in accordance with President Joe Biden's goal of an equitable transition to clean energy.

“For far too long, the needs of tribal families have been placed on Congress’ backburner. But the federal government has treaty and trust obligations to uphold to tribes," U.S. Rep. Tom O'Halleran, AZ-01, said. "Since coming to Congress in 2017, I've worked to ensure we hold up our end of the bargain and work to expand access to broadband, electricity, clean running water and more for families across Indian Country.”

The 14 projects are estimated by the Department of energy to output 3.3 megawatts of clean energy and provide $48.5 million in savings.

For a full list of awardees, projects and funding, see the Department of Energy's website.


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