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Two travelers face historical fines from the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration for alleged unruly behavior. | Delta Air Lines/Facebook

Buttiegieg: 'If you are on an airplane, don't be a jerk' regarding two airline passengers who received fines for unruly behavior


Two travelers face historical fines from the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration for alleged unruly behavior.

According to an April 8 release from the FAA, the two unnamed passengers exhibited violent, bizarre and inappropriate behaviors that have costed each of them tens of thousands in civil penalty fees. 

“If you are on an airplane, don’t be a jerk and don’t endanger the flight crews and fellow passengers. If you do, you will be fined by the FAA,” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said on The View, according to the release. 

The first passenger was traveling from Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas, to Charlotte, N.C. on a July 7, 2021, American Airlines flight. The FAA alleges the passenger fell in the aisle and threatened then pushed the flight attendant who came to her aid. The passenger then reportedly hit, spit at, head-butted, kicked and bit the crew and other passengers upon being restrained, according to the news release. She was fined $81,950. 

On a Delta Airlines plane embarking from Las Vegas to Atlanta July 16, 2021, the second unruly passenger reportedly attempted to kiss and hug nearby passengers, tried to exit the flight mid-air, bit another traveler repeatedly and refused to return to her seat, according to the release. She was fined $77,272. 

Federal law allows for civil penalties as well as criminal fines or imprisonment of airline passengers who disrupt the flight crew's duties through assault or intimidation, as reported in the release. 


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