Rep. Banks introduces bill to protect American IP from CCP

Rep. Jim Banks (R-Indiana) | Facebook/Congressman Jim Banks

Rep. Banks introduces bill to protect American IP from CCP

U.S. Rep. Jim Banks has issued the following press release:

WASHINGTON—Today, Congressman Jim Banks introduced the Preventing PLA Acquisition of United States Technology Act of 2022 to prevent any federally funded U.S. research from being shared or conducted jointly with Chinese entities that participate in the Chinese Communist Party’s Military Civil-Fusion strategy. The legislation would prohibit U.S. research agencies, as well as universities, colleges, and private companies that receive federal funding, from engaging in STEM research or technical exchange with Chinese entities of concern in areas of cutting-edge technology.

Rep. Banks’ bill is companion legislation to Senator Marco Rubio’s version. The bill text can be found here

Said Rep. Banks: “House Democrats have turned a blind eye to China’s espionage while Joe Biden has done everything possible to roll back the Trump administration’s progress. Our bill would implement important safeguards for the billions in taxpayer dollars for research funding that Congress just passed, which remains vulnerable to Communist Party theft.”

Last week, Rep. Banks sent a letter with 56 of his GOP colleagues, including House Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Mike Rogers, asking the DoD if it will enforce its restriction on funding universities that host restructured Confucius Institutes


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