Granholm: First Global Clean Energy Action Forum brought together 'thousands of leaders from industry and advocacy'

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U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Jennifer M. Granholm hosted the inaugural Global Clean Energy Action Forum closing ceremony Sept. 23. | Facebook

Granholm: First Global Clean Energy Action Forum brought together 'thousands of leaders from industry and advocacy'

U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Jennifer M. Granholm hosted the inaugural Global Clean Energy Action Forum closing ceremony Sept. 23.

The GCAF took place in Pittsburgh, Pa., according to a release of Granholm's remarks.

"For the first time in three years, we came together in person — as delegations from 33 countries, over 400 energy CEOs, young professionals and thousands of leaders from industry and advocacy," Granholm said in her remarks. "After being kept apart by COVID for so long, the past three days have brought all of our nations — and the world — closer together. It reminded me that we are all on the same ship — planet Earth. And we’ve been facing some rough seas for a while now."

Granholm announced a number of countries — the U.S., Australia, Canada, European Commission, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, the Republic of Korea, Singapore, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United Arab Emirates — already committed $94 billion for demonstration projects, according to the release. She noted this is $4 billion higher than the goal.

"Investing in innovation anywhere speeds deployment and increases affordability of clean energy everywhere," Granholm said in her remarks.

"Sometimes we’ll encounter a squall. Sometimes waves will crash onto the deck. But our power lies in the collective. If we’re all picking up an oar and rowing in the same direction — like we're doing right now — we can weather any storm. So let’s step aboard — together — and let’s sail toward a future we know is possible," Granholm concluded, according to the release.


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