Cincinnati - Today, the Department of Energy (DOE) awarded a non-competitive grant to Scioto Valley-Piketon Area Council of Governments (SVPA-COG). The SVPA-COG represents the frontline local governments adjacent to the Portsmouth Site in Piketon, Ohio. Given the direct impact of DOE cleanup decisions on frontline communities, the COG proposes to use the grant to equip COG members with the means to participate in DOE decision-making, to mitigate environmental justice impacts, and to align the cleanup and Portsmouth Site endstate with the COG's priorities. The grant allows for the establishment of a community liaison that will provide technical and regulatory assistance to the local community and surrounding counties, which aligns with the congressional direction on air and ground water monitoring and reporting, land use planning, and technical support to the community.
The total estimated value of the grant is $500,000.00 for two Budget Periods from June 30, 2022 through June 29, 2024.
Additional information regarding the project is available at: /pppo/portsmouth-site
Toni Rutherford
Source: U.S. Dept. of Energy, Office of Environmental Management